Are you Tired of Church?


” You have had ten thousand instructors, but not many Fathers”—— Apostle Paul

What does this statement mean to you?
My hearts desire in this letter for the Church in 2014 is to bring Divine Truth in Love. My heart above all things wants to see the home and the Church restored back to the place of Dominion they were designed to be. So what has happened? Why are our families, communities, churches and country struggling? Where are the Fathers? Would we recognize one if we seen them? Do we know what to look for? Do we know how a father operates? Do we truly know the heart of a Father?
Why is it Jesus called God Father over all the names He could have chosen to address God?
Could it be the Kingdom Christ came to Restore on the earth a Kingdom operated after the order of Fathers and Sons? ( Family ) Could it be the heart of God is family and it is the only government He recognizes? Now the word government means the control or flow of power, meaning the Divine flow and power of God comes through the Family.
Can we have Family without a Father?
Can we have Family without Sons?
Understanding a Son has nothing to do with what we see in the flesh, that son-ship is not based on male or female but on heart.(Spirit) How can a female be considered a Son? The same way a male can be considered the Bride of Christ, it is Spirit.
Can we have Sons without Fathers? Walk with for a moment through History, where our country has been, where it is now and where we are heading. What is missing today? Could it be Fathers? Are we missing Fathers in our government, our churches, our homes? If we are, where do we start? Where did we fail? Where did we first begin removing Fathers? Why is it during the early years of our great country we prospered as a people, now we are in bondage—- spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. Think about how we began, how the United States was birthed. The United States exists and became a Nation only because we had Fathers establish homes, that established Churches, that established communities who became states. William Penn established a home that grew into a community, later to be named the State of Pennsylvania. Our very first president who was asked to be the King denied the position of King because at the core of his being he was a father operating with the heart of a father to a nation.Why? Did he wake up one day and say, ” Hey Im a Father?” No! He was first a son who was taught, trained, loved and corrected by a father with the heart of our heavenly father. You might ask, ” Why doesn’t God just teach us without Fathers?” The truth is God always has and always will operate on the earth through man. Every blessing you have ever recieved has come by God through a person. Think about it even our restoration back into the Kingdom came through the man Jesus Christ. Now was it Jesus the man who saved us? No, it was Christ in the man Jesus who brought us back into right alignment with the Father.( the firstborn among many brethren.)

Hebrews 3:1-5
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

2 Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.

3 For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house.

4 For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.

5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we,

Notice every house is built by some man, but he who builds ALL things is God. Yes it is God who does the building through man and true Fathers recognize Gods calling to build a house for Gods Family. Jesus said ” In my Fathers House (who we are) are many mansions. ( many relationships that make up individual houses.) We should be excited and rejoicing that the God of all things has chosen us to build the houses through the calling of fathers. God sent his one Son to be a Father to raise more sons that were commissioned to go be fathers and produce more sons ( this was and is Gods order of operation in building His Kingdom.)
Now I must pause for a moment and say, I know this does not set right with some people today. Why? The truth is a lot of us have been hurt, abandoned, abused, controlled or neglected by a father. Let me encourage you today, True Fathers are still on the earth who carry the heart of our heavenly Father. So how do I recognize a Father? I recognize a Father through his voice. There is a word, a sound, a tone, a heart in his voice that penetrates my heart. When this happens it is my spirit bearing witness with the Spirit in him ( which is Christ ) that I know I can trust their divine leadership. I allow them at this point the freedom to be a voice in my life to lead me into truth.( we call this recognizing the Voice in the voice For there is only One Voice and we must recognize that Voice in the voices of others.) This is why when Christ asked the disciples to lay down their agenda (net) and follow Him, they responded.(they recognized the Voice in the voice) We must all come to the place we are no longer manipulated by the instruction of voices and be inspired by the One true Voice in a voice. (Father) A true Father will lead you to new levels of growth and maturity through compassion, love, truth and yes at times correction. To walk as true sons we must learn, trust, love and receive so one day we can Father others. We must no longer be controlled by fear ” for you have not been given the Spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. ” We must walk with great discernment to know when someone is trying to manipulate us, control us or hurt us. There should be a witness saying, yes this is my spiritual guide on the earth who leads me to my heavenly Father. Even Jesus followed a natural Father (a voice ) until the time appointed of the Father. Why? Christ was sent to not only restore us into the Kingdom, but also to restore the Kingdom in us. He was a walking example of how to become the Sons of God.( a child is born, a Son is given.)

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Galatians 4:1,2

Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;

2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

{ notice the child in Galatians is released as a Son through a father little f }

God is giving us the responsibility to raise sons on the earth by His Spirit.
So, what do we do? Where do we go from here?
How do we put Fathers back into the Presidency, Congress, Communities etc.?
We must first establish Fathers back into our Homes. ( true voices speaking by the Spirit. )

” Without a Vision ( a prophetic voice ) the people perish. “
When we restore Fathers in the Church we will see Fathers in our Homes- When we see Fathers in our Homes- We will see Fathers in our Communities- When we see Fathers in our Communities- We will see Fathers leading our States.( Just like it was when we began ) God is and always has been raising up fathers in the church to lead individuals to lead homes to lead communities. The question is Will we receive them? Or will we continue calling for instructors to give us information with no example, accountability or heart? I promise you this, if you find a true Father, they will love you, teach you, train you and correct you; in the end you will be strong, wise, courageous and fulfilled. You will walk life once again as a whole person– knowing your identity, your purpose and how to live it out. They will free you from Egypt, lead you through the wilderness and crossover to the land of promise. You ask ” How do you know?” I was personally hurt by a father, loved by a father, trained by a father and corrected by a father. You say ” well i was hurt and I will never let that happen again!” Let me ask you this– Did you stop searching for your wife or husband just because former relationships didnt work? No. You continued on and found your love. So it is with the one who is to be a voice in your life. You trust again, you love again, you open back up and give it another try. The end result for me after being loved, trained, corrected and prepared for 38 yrs is wholeness, completeness, confidence, strength and the knowing of my heavenly Fathers Voice. I now Know who I am (identity)- I know what I am called to do ( my purpose) and I know how to do it. As a Father I encourage you—- Find your Fathers House- sit at the table, learn, grow and become all God has called you to be. I thank My God for the Fathers who walk with us to be the Sons of God on the Earth. All Glory be to HIM!!!

From One Father to You.

Tribal Fruit ” abide, abound, abundance

Tribal Fruit

At NewBridge Church we recently began a new series called The Tribe of Christ. In this series I asked God to give us revelation on the True Church, what it looks like, who they are and how they operate. My desire is for us to build a true tribe, a branch, a real extension of Gods Nation and Kingdom purpose. This past week we took a close look at the fruit of the true tribe, we came up with three main operations of a true tribe and their fruit. ( Abide- place, Abound-position and Abundance- portion.
abide- is a staying place, to house, remain.
What you see in the Tribe of Christ is authentic, real, no masks. The true Church does not move in and out of the Fathers presence, they live, walk and breath His will and purpose. They realize its a true baptism, He is in them and they are in Him continually, there is no moving in and out, there is a remaining. The result is a life transformed, a life fully alive, a life committed. Not to a set of rules, it is a life All IN to hearing His voice and doing exactly what the Father asks, words heard that cannot be found in a book or on pages pined by man. No these words come strait from the mouth of God, a Word in the Spirit heard by the mans Spirit. In turn this tribe moves different, they act and deliver a life in complete confidence, no gimmicks here, no sales tactics or lies. A Life led by the Spirit that reveals a world of Victors and not Victims. This flow of power (results) in many areas of the individual lives produces fruit only seen from a particular branch of Gods tree. Leaving people to wonder HOW? WHY? I WANT THIS! Not realizing this comes from an abiding, living in a House of heavenly purpose, a house not operated by the flesh, a house built- designed and operated in Spirit and Truth. What if I told you the feeling you get in the Worship service, the presence you feel, could be lived and experienced in every step? What would your life look like if you lived and walked in His presence? Would you be depressed? Would you be stressed? Would you lack? Lets get real most of us are not willing to drink from the cup that releases this life. Are you willing to pay the price to be connected to the true vine? ” I thought Jesus payed the price?” Yes He paid the price for you to connect, but the act of you connecting is your Cross. Your Cross looks different than Jesus Cross, however its made from the same tree. Your Cross is the intersection of His Will and Your Will, this is the price, are you willing to do the next thing that comes out of His mouth? Are you willing to abide ( live,dwell, house with Him)? If you are willing, you can see the fruit, if you can drink from the same cup, if you can ABIDE.

abound- above, beyond, excel.
This has to do with the position the true church realizes they have been place in. They realize they walk above the circumstances of this life. Really they see no obstacles, they see only opportunities, it is a different paradigm, a vision from a higher place. See they take the scripture ” you have bean SEATED in HEAVENLY places” literal! Yes the tribe of Christ believes they are above disease sickness poverty and anything else the defeated enemy can throw! WOW! They actually live as if the battle is won. See they dont just read the Bible, quote the Bible, Use the Bible, They Live It. They are the Bible! The Word they read is Real to them, its more than a Shirt, more than a bumper sticker, more than a slogan to say making them feel spiritual. No they don’t talk about it, they DO IT! The Revelation they have is this, I dont have to fight the Devil, I dont have to do Spiritual Warfare Praise (whatever that means), all I have to do is ABOUND! As long as we live above not beneath I have no battle It has been WON! If I find myself fighting I have moved down to the level of the Devil. They Know the Devil has been placed UNDER their feet, so if they find themselves fighting Him, this means one thing, I’m not living ABOVE I’m living beneath. WOW! Awesome revelation. Now that statement will offend most “Christians” but for the True Tribe they cheer, they say YES! So dont get mad, move up! ABOUND.

abundance- excess, more than enough, overflowing.
The final piece is a very familiar word in the Church world, its a word used on banners, signs, slogans. Abundant living has become a real desire and part of the Christian culture, we use it every week to describe our identity. However the True Church realizes abundance is so much more than this, they see it as a promise. To them this means anything less than the abundant life is man half alive, man lukewarm, man saying it with his mouth but not with his heart. A life lacking FULL peace, FULL joy, FULL love, FULL obedience, FULL riches is not an option. They know IF i am ABIDING, IF i am ABOUNDING, ABUNDANCE is a guarantee! Those who walk on this level put up with very little compromise, when they see disease, sickness, poverty, lack– they attack! They move with a force that shakes the earth to its core. They change atmospheres, arenas, environments– they are the thermostats and leave others to be the thermometers. They have a great understanding of “… the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent TAKE IT by FORCE!”
Now before you draw your sword and start fighting understand, this is NOT the meaning of this verse. The Word VIOLENT comes from the same root word for abundant.( in this scripture) So lets read it from the root word meanings– { the power and authority of Christ is passionate about abundance and the abundant take the power of Christ serious.}
Wow! This is why WE MUST STUDY to show ourselves approved unto God and STOP repeating what everybody else has said and get TRUE Revelation from the Father! Guess What? The true Church really believes God speaks. Guess what? He does! So those who have the abundant life realize HE is the TRUE VINE and without HIM they can do nothing! They also know HIs life source will move stronger through them when they act on His Word. They are Not WAITING for God, They are movers and shakers. They know HIS anointing is for HIS purpose. They know Abundance comes when they walk in alignment with His purpose. They do not wait for it to happen, they make it happen, with no apologies or excuses.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
What do you REALLY WANT?
The great thing about HIS BRANCH (tribe) It is open to ALL, He is not a respecter of persons. He died for ALL He poured out HIS Spirit for ALL!
Question is, Will YOU Decide to be the True TRibe?

Tribe of Christ?

Tribe of Christ?

Tribe- is a branch or extension of something. ( like a Nation)
I heard it said like this ” Many clans make a Tribe, Many Tribes make a Nation.”
Nation- a people of like beliefs
Tribe- a people of like beliefs unified for a common purpose or cause.

Mathew 1 describes the Family tree in the Nation of God (Israel), now we have to understand Israel was a person (Jacob) and he had 12 Sons ( the twelve tribes of Israel). As you read the lineage of Christ you will noticed it begins with Abraham, not Adam. Why? Because we are talking about a Faith line not a blood line. Christ the Son of God could not come from a blood line, God knowing this calls a man who answers his voice by Faith ( Abram) who later after being baptized into the Father becomes Abraham. ( Complete Covenant– Abram + I AM = Abraham). Now as we read through Mathew 1 we see dispensations God operated in every 14 generations moving us closer to establishing the greatest and final Tribe in the Nation of God– “The Tribe of Christ” ( for if you are of Christ you are the Seed of Abraham). I encourage you to count in the last set of generations listed in Mathew 1. What we find is the bible says fourteen generations but you will only be able to count thirteen. Why? Because we are the fourteenth generation, we are the promised tribe ( we out number the stars of the sky and the sands of the sea.) We are the fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham we are the Branch (Tribe) that causes an explosion in the Family tree.

With that being said, What does the Tribe of Christ look like? How do they Think? How do they Speak? How do they operate? What sound (frequency) do the send through the Earth? Are they different from what we see in Todays Church? I want to take you on a journey for the next few weeks or months through these questions. I know, that like me you must be asking the same questions. Why? It doesn’t take long to figure out that the Church we see in operation today does not match Abraham or Christ! It does not come close to what we see in the book of Acts. I want answers. Does the Tribe of Christ still exist? Yes! God said he would always have a remnant and that remnant will be the Tribe to rule and reign with Him. Honestly I do not see a lot of ruling and reigning by todays Church. So I encourage you for the next few weeks to walk with me. God will reveal to us His Tribe the True Church ( ecclesia), that Christ left on the earth to prepare and repair for His honor and glory. Before I go I want to share with you a small example of what I am talking about.
I recently offered a course to two groups of people, one group claims Christ as their Lord and the other group claims nothing publicly, they just build their businesses and add value to the community. So as I am offering this course for a Low Low price I notice the extreme difference in responses from the two groups. The group claiming Christ as Lord was on board ready to do the course, until they found out they had to pay for it. Now the other group some jumped in some didn’t, but there responses where the same ” What is the investment? “. Interesting. The Church group assumed for whatever reason it would be free. Really! Would Christ expect to be trained, taught, offered value and not pay for it? absolutely not! Here is what is really disturbing in the Church, we will buy junk from the heathen and make him rich, wasting our finances given to us by God on things to build the World system. But ask a Christian to build the Kingdom ” All they want is money” is the response. There is a scary sense of entitlement in the Church that is not of God, not to mention selfishness. The bad thing is what I offered would help them build there life, business and family ( for 27$ a week 10 weeks ) WOW! Is it culture? Is it spirit? Is it flesh? If the wealth of the wicked is going to be laid up for the just, I promise you we will not get it because we are entitled to it. God has to raise up a Tribe of people with the Spirit, Desire and strength to take it! How do we take it? WE build businesses, Schools, Medical Centers, Financial Institutes; WE write the checks! We will never do this until we are trained. So next time someone offers you a chance to add value to your life, DO IT! WE need you! WE need the Tribe of Christ to arise! Until next week, grow, learn, build and reach.
Dale A. Knisley
Apostle of Christ

12 Stones ” Your out of Egypt, Is Egypt out of You?

12 Stones

What is it that causes us to wonder in the wilderness of defeat when we have been prepared with the promise of victory? Why do we sit on the sidelines when we were born Champions? Could it be how we see ourselves? Could it be what we beleive? Could it be how we think? Or is it as simple as Unconcience incompetence? It is probably a little of all! Do you know what has been made available to you? Do you know who you are?
In Joshua 24, he asks the people this simple question through a powerful message– Your out of Egypt, Is Egypt out of you? Why would Joshua ask such a question? What caused him to bring this message to the table? I believe this is the very thing God was speaking to Joshua in the first chapter of the book, when God repeatedly tells him ” Be Strong and of Good Courage!” Could it be Joshua a strong man of Faith and the minister of Moses struggled with Egypt? We know he was out of Egypt but was Egypt out of him?
I want to bring this same question to you—-” Yes your out of Egypt, Is Egypt out of you?
Do you still blend a Law that was specificly written for a specific group of Jews, with the Law of the Spirit? See Egypt is about your Past, Prison and Punishment: The Promise Land is about your Future, Fruit and Flow. The focus in Egypt is- sin and death; The focus in The Promise Land is Spirit of Life. Egypts about tearing down, Promise Land is about building up! Egypt breeds Fear, Promise Land breeds Faith. Egypts based on religion, Promise Land is based on Relationship. Egypt is established on Culture, Promise Land is established on Covenant. We have three mentalities in the Body of Christ– Slave, Servant and Son.— The slave and servant are out of Egypt but Egypts not out of them. The slave moves in Fear– The servant moves for Finance but the Son moves in Favor. The slave is afraid, the servant wants paid but the Son loves. The slave follows a command for fear of punishment, ” Oh no God is going to get me”. The servant follows an order for pay ” If I do this God will bless me .” The Son follows the Voice out of Love ” Yes Lord not my will but your will be done .”
Are you looking to the Past or are you focused on the future?
Are you paralyzed in Prison or are you covered in Produce?
Are you pursuing punishment or are you finding Flow?


In Joshua 3:7-13 God establishes an order and tells Joshua exactly how to crossover the Jorden, you speaks of The Ark of God, The Priests and one man from 12 tribes. 12 is very important because it represents the government of God, which means flow of power. Without government there is no order and without order there is no flow, therefore no POWER. Most of us do not experience power in our lives because we have no government, therefore we have no flow. Im not talking about the rituals we perform each week in a building trying to fabricate a false move of the Spirit. I am talking about a real power and flow in our everyday life. ( Do YOU have it?). If you do not, this is a strong indication Egypt has not left you. Do you understand that NOW we have all three things God called for to Joshua inside us? ( THe ark, the Priest, the tribes.)
WE carry all three—- ” The Kingdom of God is within you” YOU ARE THE ARK OF GOD!
We are the 14th generation in Mathew 1:17– We are of the Tribe of Christ.
We are a chosen people, a royal PRIESTHOOD, a peculiar people 1 Peter 2:7-10

Joshua was told to have each man of each tribe to carry one stone to the promise land, for a memorial to other generations. That we must never GO BACK!!!

The stones are a memorial- that says:
Your past is erased
Your prison is removed
Your punishment is damned

The stones:
Point to your Future
Prosper your Fruit
Propel your Flow

WE are movers and shakers
We are Builders
We dont wait for it to happen, We make it happen
We have a Future
We Produce much Fruit
We have the Flow
We are carriers of the Seed, We are the Memorial, WE are the LIVING STONES!

WE are the Reminder Egypt is Dead and THE PROMISE IS ALIVE!!!!
NOW GO POSSESS YOUR LAND— Its been prepaired.

Why are you MAD?

Why are you MAD?

If you are anything like me, you did not watch the recent grammy awards. But you probably heard all about the controversial events that took place. I specificly heard about the Beyonce/ Jay Z show that took place, mostly from angry Christians. Now I in no way support or agree with the way the very influential and popular couple presented themselves on national TV before a very large veiwing audience. I do however have a problem with the way, we the Christian community react to the controversial and immoral presentations of famous people like Beyonce and Jay Z. I ask the question— Why are you MAD? We are responsible for the immorality in the public arena, viewed by our children. If we are going to be mad at anyone we need to be mad at ourselves. How did it get this bad, how did we let it go this far? How?

We have removed ourselves from the public. We have lost our Voice. We have lost our influence on individual lives. We have traded the very example Christ left us, for an angry, judgmental, mob like approach. Guess what! It doesnt work! We must get back to Christ. We are suppose to be the most influential people on the earth yet we have become the least. Our light is shut off, we are no longer salt and light. We are seen as Cold,bitter and angry people. Always pointing out problems and never offering a solution. This is not the Church we see in the Bible, and certainly was not the way Christ lead the disciples. When Jesus showed up he changed the atmosphere, He was the ” Answer” to every problem. Then he commisioned the Church to do what he did— Be the ” Answer “! Christ won and influenced the World through relationship, he touched lives, he cared for the lost, healed the sick and raised the dead. We have become an organization of no influence, with no relationship, touching no one, forgetting the lost, refusing the sick and rejecting the dead. So it is not a shock to me for a woman to dance in her thong on national TV, we the Church are responsible. We have alowed it to be created. We have lost our Love Walk, for Love covers a multitude of sin. Now is Faith, Hope and Love— the greatest of these is LOVE. If we could get back in Love with our God, eachother and those we come in contact with we would regain our influence. It has been said everything rises and falls on Leadership and leadership is about influence. Now the question is who is leading? NOT US!!!! Why would we be leading? We are the only organization that claims to be family, yet we crucify our own leaders. We claim to be Spiritual yet we do not restore. We must Change! We must get Back to the True Christ, Back to Spirit, Back to Sacrafice, Back to Covenant, Back to Love. Then and only then will we influence the next generation, Then and only then can we Lead. So dont get mad, we created this or at least have watched it be created while doing nothing. Take a good hard look in the mirror, except responsibility, repent, then change. Go be influential. Move, Shake, make it happen. Dont get mad—- LEAD—-LOVE! BE the ” Answer “

Spirit Manifest


I have heard it said ” Religion is man trying to reach God, Christianity is God reaching out to man.” I really don’t know how accurate this statement is, what I do know is religion cripples man. We have been blinded by religion and put back into the very prison Christ set us free from. We make statements like ” if they wouldn’t have taken prayer out of school things would be better.” Reallly?
You cant take prayer out of school, its impossible. Every time i walk into a school Im praying, its impossible to keep someone from praying. Why?
Because prayer comes from the Spirit of a man not his flesh ( unless we are praying a set of words we heard someone else prayer before a meal or before bed. Then it would be flesh. ) Or we say ” They need to put the 10 commandments back in the Court House. ”
The ” 610 ” commandments were not written for us. They were written for a people who lost faith in their God and began to worship other gods while in bondage. So they lost their Spirit connection through the generations.

What commandments did Abraham follow?
It depends, they were different everyday.
Yes he didn’t have commandments because he had the voice of God. Abrahams commandment was ” do whatever I say ”
See when we are lazy and want nothing to do with building a true relationship with God— we call out for commandments written on stone. It is much easier to follow a set of rules than to obey His voice. LAZY!!! This mentality has birthed dead religion in the church bringing Egypt back into man. Yes we been delivered from Egypt but is Egypt out of us? What are you filled with? Laws of man? Or His Spirit? Commandments are for people who do not know their God or His voice. Here is the good thing, the same Holy Ghost that wrote the 610 commandments is suppose to be in us. So do I need your rules? No His Law is in me, and we are suppose to meditate on them DAY and NIGHT. Christ said he would write them on our hearts, so we could know God by His Spirit and not tablets of stone. I think its a tragedy the very stones God wrote His Law on are the ones we throw at each other today.
I say drop the stones in your hands and reach with the hand of Love. I Believe what we need more than ever is TRUTH. The world says the truth hurts, the Word says the truth we know sets us free. I recently had a disturbing encounter with obviously a person infested by the chains of religion, on the topic of the devil. The truth says he has been defeated, he has no power and we have been given dominion over ALL things ( including the devil.) Of course they wanted me to tell people we are fighting the devil. No that is the excuse man uses to release himelf from responsibility for his own life. ( the devil attacked me, the devil tricked me, the devil got inside my care and stole all my gas etc…. ) Really?
they said “The devil attacks those who are serving God ”
My question is How?
Through Fear! If without Faith its impossible to please God. Then without Fear you cannot please the devil. Fear is the only avenue the Devil can work in. Its his oxygen his life source. Fear and Faith are opposite if your in fear your not in faith if your in faith your not in fear. So I say walk in Faith!
What if we begin to walk in the Faith of Christ, knowing who we are. Could the devil hurt us? We have to make up our mind if we have ALL power over all the enemy, like Jesus said or we don’t have all power. If we declare the devil did it, we declare we do not have all power. Therefore making the very one we claim as Lord a lyer! I think not! He is TRUTH and we DO have all power. What if we stop living under the old covenant and truly embrace the new? What if we walked with the confidence the enemy has already been defeated? Would we fight? The true war is the war of our flesh, how about we crucify our flesh and walk as true Sons of God who are led by the Spirit of God. Everyman has been given a measure of Faith, so I say increase your Faith. Stop subjecting yourself with large doses of dead religion that fills us with fear. Engage Christ, Embrace the New.

I say we as the Church should cultivate the seeds of Faith inside everyone, rather than deposit more fear. We as the Church now more than ever need to speak TRUTH, not mans made up dead religion. That is exactly what it produces, DEATH. Dead lives, dead marriages, dead families, dead businesses and certainly dead Churches, that in turn produce dead nations. If we as the Church would once again walk by His Spirit, the true Sons of God would manifest in the earth. Quenching the thirst for real and lasting change in the lives of people. So I submit to you, seek truth, seek the true Christ, seek the true Church and you will find. Knock on the door of Faith and it will be opened to you. I promise if you do, your life, your family your career, your community will walk with peace and power. Its time to go back to Spirit and leave the chains of bondage behind.
Legendary Life!

Change part 5 ” Hand of Love”


Galatians 6:1,2

” Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual, restore your brother in the spirit of meekness unless you also be tempted.

Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

spiritual people restore others.

The true sign of spirituality is not gifts, revelation, knowing scripture, singing the latest praise song or quoting the latest phrase from our christianese language.
The true sign of Spirit is restoration. The willingness to reach another and pull them into the victory of Christ’s Kingdom. Im not talking about reciting certain words, being dunked in water, drinking juice. Although I believe Christ Spoke Faith filled words, broke bread and baptized. But first above all these he Walked by the Spirit, He walked in Love. Im talking about removing the mask of religion and fulfilling the only law we are told to walk in! Yes the Law of Love! Now I’m not talking about getting overwhelmed with emotion and moving without purpose. Im talking about true and genuine Spirit lead, God ordained movement in compassion. Releasing your bother or sister from the heavy baggage they are carrying, going back to the pit you came out of and lowering the ladder of Christ for your brother.Extending the hand of love to those beat down, broken and lost in the circumstances of life.

Galatians 6:3– ” If a man thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, deceives himself ”

Our mandate from Christ is two fold, Love God and Love people, that simple. If we want to experience real change and impart real change to others, we must reach with the hand of love. How can these small but powerful acts bring change? You and I both know walking in love is rare. It sets us apart, we stand out and the God in us is revealed. When did we fall asleep to the hurt around us? When did the worship service, the bible study, the positions in Church become more important than the lives of people?

1 John 3:10— ” in this the children of God are manifested, and the children of the devil: whosoever does not righteousness is not of God, neither he who does not love his brother. ”

We the Church are the only hope for the hurting, we the Church have lost too many of our soldiers back to the world. We have chosen to play God in judgment rather than be the heart of God and Love. The strongest gift we have is the tastiest fruit, love. ” Love covers a multitude of sin, Faith works through Love, Now is Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is Love.” I encourage you today, release from your hands the stones, free your hands to reach. Free yourself to operate as your Father, REACH WITH THE HAND OF LOVE.

Why Your Greatest Enemy Is NOT the Devil!


Stop blaming the devil for your mistakes, you know you needed new tires months ago neither the devil or God had anything to do with your flat tire.
Do you know who your greatest enemy is? Didn’t think so, thats why we blame God and the devil for our problems ( lack of understanding ).My prayer is after reading this, the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened to the truth. Ok, first go get a mirror. What do you see? Yes! YOU. Sorry, yes you are the greatest enemy in your life. Please, don’t stop ready I know the world has taught us the truth hurts, and it does, but it also sets us free! I want you to not only gain understanding but also to be free and live above the circumstances of life. It is possible. We are going to cultivate the seeds of greatness so YOU can stop blaming others and live life on the highest level.

Luke 10:19- Behold I give YOU the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.

Wow, key word YOU. Listen we can no longer live life under the umbrella of excuses. You are stuck and have been stuck because your current situation is your fault. Why? Because YOU have the power to unstick. The Bible says nothing can separate us from the love of God, that we are more than conquerers. See the knowing in me, who I am and Who’s I am sets me free from the bondage, attack and power of the so called enemy that is really fallen, defeated, beneath me. What is it that holds us back? What is it that kills dreams? What roadblock stops us every-time we move on the road of success? Think about it, what happens every-time just before you fail, just before you quite. What comes over you before you give up? Thats right, FEAR!

Fear is your blessing blocker.
Fear is your dream killer.
Fear is your greatest weakness

The Fear of thinking we are not like God is what started this mess in the first place. Thats right I said it, it wasn’t fruit, the devil, pride, lust etc. It was FEAR! The enemy told Eve, God knows when you eat of the tree you will be like Him. Eves fear of not being like God moved her from blessing straight into The curse! What curse? Knowing Fear! The only avenue Satan can move and work in our lives is through fear. So this means the only avenue God can move in is Faith. ” For without Faith you cannot please God.” Now, we have a choice Fear or Faith; the move and flow of God, or the attack of the enemy. There are only two roads you can travel, question is which one are you on? My goal is for you to know who you are and how to get back on the road of destiny. Yes that pathway can only be found through Faith. You have the greatest power ever known inside you, yes your greatest strength is Faith and I have the answer to put you back on the road to success. You can live the Dream, you can reach the mountain top and experience the life of God here and now. We must starve our fear and feed our faith. Feeding our Faith Breeds confidence to go through any obstacle in your way. You will no longer embrace excuses only solutions. You will no longer let things happen you will make things happen. I know what your thinking, what if I fail? So what if you do? Do you not know that resurrection power is in the depth of your spirit. Yes like Abraham you too can walk through the door of Hope into the room of Faith and experience the resurrection power of Christ.Just like Abraham, if your dream dies you know it will RISE again. Yes you have an Isaac and when you offer your Isaac to God in Faith, if it dies, it will rise again. So, if I fail I know with confidence tomorrow my dream will live again. This is our promise, this is our heritage, we are people of faith. ” Being confident of this very thing he who began a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”—- Philippians 1:6
” Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward.”—— Hebrews 10:35

The rest of your life, how it plays out is in your hands. I wish i could tell you God will do it for you, that would be a lie. He Wont! God has already given you every resource and every tool you need. You have His Grace, His Spirit and His Son and the sixth sense of Faith. I promise you if you will starve your Fear and Feed your Faith you will breed the confidence of God. His character, his mindset, his Voice will rise up and move you like an unstoppable train. You will reach the highest level of success and all your God dreams will manifest. I believe you are a Giant Killer, Now GO slay the Giants in your Life and receive the prize!

Dale A. Knisley
Nation Builder

Awareness ” Success Today, Tomorrow, Forever”


Proverbs 4:7,8
7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding
8 Exalt her, and she will promote you; She will bring you honor, when you embrace her.

– When I say there are 3 stages of awareness, Im talking of levels or if I can say it like this Worlds we should be in tune with. All having thier own frequency. Question is are you tuned in? Do you know the channel are you picking up the sygnal?
My goal is to bring you to the place of understanding and knowing. When we are done you will be TUNED in. You will be awake to the World around you, The World in you and The World beyond you.

Yes for you to be successful today, tomorrow and forever you need awareness in all three!!!!

Stage 1- Alertness > (physical) world around you

a) alive—- breathing
b) awake— hearing
c) watchful— seeing

Stage 2 – Mindfulness > ( mental ) world in you

a) concious— thinking
b) insight— learning
c) understanding— engageing

Stage 3 – Enlightnment > (spiritual) world beyond you

a) sensability— the sixth sense Faith, your picking up the highest frequency
b) discernment— you see the source. You not just hearing what is being said you know why its being said.
c) Knowing— you HEAR THE VOICE. There is a knowing that no situation or voice could shake you or change you. Because your knowing came from the Originater, Creator and TRUE VOICE.
Spirit Connection

These are the three stages of awareness and 9 principles that reveal you are AWAKE, Conciouse and Enlightened.
When you are at all LEVELS Aware you will no doubt Have Success Today, Tomorrow, Forever.

For the in depth teaching and how to apply these principles Join the Living Legends Nation
email me at

You can Walk in Awareness Today!

The Big Catch


” Cast on the Other Side ”

Luke 5:1-11

verse 2- 1) Stop Washing Nets

– we are the nets used for the Big Catch- We are Ready we are Prepared
– Its not Time to put the Net away, We must be cast out for the CATCH
– Nets put up are useless, there created to go out.

verse 4- 2) Launch out

Deeper water means Bigger Fish
Get Vocal, Be Known, Be Agressive, Unashamed, Come out.

verse 4 3) Let Go

– you wont catch by holding on
– A net in a boat becomes a piece taking up space
– Step out BE FIRST

verse 6 obedience brings breakthrough and abundance

verse 10,11 No Fear, Will you forske all? And follow HIM?

The Other Side

John 21:2-6

1) Are you gonna Lead or Follow? verse 3

– there is something to be said for those who go and fail AT LEAST THEY GO!
One thing is for sure you will never Catch unless you cast the net!!!!

2) When we move, When we Go ( HE IS PRESENT) verse 4,5

– he is ever present, always ready to help us We are not alone
– When God sees us building His Kingdom, us trying IT MOVES HIM he wants to help.
But when we sit, He waits——-
” Well Im waiting on The Lord” NO HES WAITING ON YOU!!!

3) The Right Side verse 6 ( Starboard Side)

What does this mean to us?

a) face forward—-put the past behind you
b) GO— but go in order under control
c) follow the CAPTAIN your leader. ( Be Fishers of MEN) like Christ

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Romans 10:14-17

Lets Go Fishing, Lets Go Get THE BIG CATCH!!!!!